Report on Mental Health Week CBSE Activity
The ministry of Education Government Of India has undertaken ‘MANODARPAN’ initiative covering a wide range of activities to monitor and promote the mental health issues and concerns of students and to provide support during these conditions like Covid 19. During the mental health week (4/10/20 to10/10/20),students of Mahaveer Public School, Primary and Middle Wing made beautiful posters and wrote thoughtful slogans under the guidance of their Art Teacher Ms Shilpa Kapoor and Ms. Deepali Gupta to create awareness on mental wellbeing.
Further story telling activity was conducted for middle and primary wing by Mrs Santosh Solanki and Ms Rashmi Raj -Story “Family Tour” “,Lucy Blue Day” and “Control Anger “was narrated with the objective of highlighting different components of mental well-being. Reflection, critical thinking and problem solving teaching strategies were used to create awareness among students for Mental Health.